Top 10: What is something people say is easy but never really is?

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  • From getting along to public speaking, these things are more difficult than they seem
  • This week’s question: What is a word or phrase that you dislike hearing from adults?
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Getting along with others isn’t always as easy as it seems. It can take a lot of work! Photo: Shutterstock

This week’s question: What is a word or phrase that you dislike hearing from adults?

To take part, drop us a line via this form or email us at [email protected] by 11.59pm on February 7. Tell us your name, age and school.

Li Tsz-kiu, 14, Po Leung Kuk Tang Yuk Tien College: Enjoying youth. Many adults say school life is a much happier and easier time than work life. However, I think teens sometimes feel stressed too. We have to wake up at 6am five days a week, obtain new knowledge for eight hours a day and work on our homework until midnight. On weekends, teens may even have to attend other classes, and we continue living that life until we are 18 or older.

Charis Chan, 14, Malvern College Hong Kong: It is not that easy to drink two litres of water a day. Because it means consuming eight glasses of water daily, people believe it is easy, as we often feel thirsty. In reality, if we only drink water when we feel thirsty and not every few hours, it is almost impossible to drink eight glasses a day. We are also tempted by other beverages available around us, such as fruit juice, sodas and bubble tea, which leads us to drink less water than we might expect.

How much water are you drinking every day? Photo: Shutterstock

Kelly Chan Sze-tung, 16, Kowloon True Light School: We often hear the phrase, “We should all just get along,” but in reality, it’s not always as easy as it sounds. Our society has a long history of conflicts regarding issues like sexism, racism and homophobia, among others. If resolving conflicts were as simple as just “getting along,” wouldn’t all disagreements simply vanish?

While it’s true that getting along with others is important, it’s not always a simple solution to complex issues. We should make an effort to be compassionate and understanding towards others, acknowledging that their experiences and perspectives may differ from our own.

Angel Law Siu-yau, 10, S.K.H. Holy Spirit Primary School: Being an overweight child, I was always told to shed my flab. My friends and family always said it was not beyond my reach: I just had to exercise and avoid junk food. However, losing weight is more challenging than they think. I am always tempted to give up my plan to eat well.

If you could only say one word for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

Ivy Cai Yuk-yu, 16, Leung Shek Chee College: It’s common for us to say “See you next time” when we say goodbye. However, we never know when the next time will come. It could be tomorrow, next week, or even in 10 years. People say this phrase easily, but nobody can guarantee when they will see each other the next time.

Isabella Lam Sum-yau, 13, Christ College: I think earning money is something that people say is easy but never really is. Many successful people say, “Oh, money is not important; I can get it any time.” However, lots of people in the world are suffering due to poverty, and some die because they cannot afford what they need to survive.

It i not as easy to make money as some may think. Photo: Shutterstock

Sairuh Cabio, 16, The Methodist Lee Wai Lee College: People say that once they have fully achieved what they wanted in their work life, they should retire, but it is very challenging. Society and the economy are changing rapidly; things are getting more expensive, and it’s hard to keep money stashed away. By the time one hits 50, they might not have enough life savings to buy a house. Thus, it is essential to retire with enough savings to spend one’s retirement peacefully.

Natasha Ho, 12, Maryknoll Fathers’ School: Many people assume that speaking in front of a crowd is a simple task, but it can be anxiety-inducing and require a lot of preparation. Delivering a compelling presentation, maintaining the audience’s attention and effectively conveying your message can be challenging for many people, even those who are otherwise confident communicators.

What habits did you grow out of as you got older?

Cherry zhang Hoi-ching, 15, Tak Nga Secondary School: Stepping out of your comfort zone is not as easy as it sounds. People always say that you just have to try, but the uncertainty makes us feel anxious and hesitant. Getting out of your comfort zone definitely requires a lot of courage and determination.

Gloria Guo Lok-yi, 16, Fung Kai Liu Man Shek Tong Secondary School: Calligraphy is the thing that people say is easy but never really is. It needs a high level of precision and a lot of patience. This is even more difficult for someone like me, who is easily irritable. Learning to control the different strokes is one of the key challenges for me.

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