YP Readers
YP Readers
Readers share their thoughts and opinions on everything from social issues to pop culture.

Each week, we respond to a question from our readers and give advice and resources they can turn to. This week, we help a student who says their parents scold them when their sibling misbehaves.


The Philippines is revisiting a bill that would require university students to undergo compulsory military training as tensions grow in the South China Sea.

The boy band launched thanks to the reality TV show “King Maker” and can now be found in advertisements all around town; fans feel a personal connection with them.

We found out that teenagers have some pretty innovative ways to try and get away with things, from blaming their star sign to ‘my dog at my homework’.

One reader weighs the pros and cons of being able to edit human DNA, while others discuss mental health, Cantonese preservation, and Hong Kong’s waste-charging scheme.

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