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- This week’s podcast will introduce you to three cats in need of a new home after being left at a shelter

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Name: Bobby
Unique feature(s):
Background story:
Kind of home needed:
Name: Petal
Unique feature(s):
Background story:
Kind of home needed:
Name: George
Unique feature(s):
Background story:
Kind of home needed:
Name: Bobby
Gender: male
Age: about two
Colour: white with black markings
Unique feature(s): his ears and all four feet are black
Personality: affectionate and playful, friendly with other cats
Background story: thrown out of a car by the road
Kind of home needed: big family or owners with a lot of energy
Name: Petal
Gender: female
Age: about six months
Colour: milk-chocolate brown fur
Unique feature(s): sky-blue eyes, with a white patch of fur on her head
Personality: quiet and nervous
Background story: found in a rubbish bin
Kind of home needed: quiet and peaceful home with no young children
Name: George
Gender: male
Age: 10
Colour: slate grey
Unique feature(s): a pedigree British blue shorthair
Personality: very well mannered and gentlemanly
Background story: previous owner passed away
Kind of home needed: a patient and loving family that is willing to take care of a senior cat
Olivia Lopez: Hi, everyone. My name is Olivia. I love cats and have had a Siamese cat since I was nine. We adopted Paws when she was a kitten. I wanted to do more to help other stray cats, and started volunteering a year ago at Hong Kong Cats Society. It’s a local shelter that rescues cats off the streets and tries to find them new homes.
Today, I’ve got Rhea Farhan, a fellow volunteer from the shelter. We would like to showcase some of the lovely cats that are up for adoption. Perhaps you might consider bringing one of these fluffy animals home!
Rhea Farhan: Hi everyone! On my right, we have Bobby, a male cat who has been with us for three weeks. We don’t know exactly how old he is, but we think he’s about two. Bobby is very affectionate and playful, just like a kitten, and he simply loves people.
As you can see, he is white with beautiful black markings on both his ears and all four feet. He’s such a handsome cat, isn’t he? He’s really friendly with other cats too.
I really don’t know why anyone would want to throw Bobby out, but this is what happened – literally. The lady who brought him in to us was walking home one night when a car drove past her. Someone opened the back door and threw Bobby out into the road. That’s just terrible!
Thankfully, he wasn’t injured. Bobby would be perfect for a big family, or owners with a lot of energy.
Olivia Lopez: The cat I’m carrying is called Petal. She was found in a rubbish bin. A group of office workers were returning to their office after lunch when they heard meowing coming from a nearby bin. They looked inside, and there was a small, terrified kitten.
Petal is about six months old. She has beautiful milk-chocolate brown fur, not to mention her unique sky-blue eyes and the adorable white patch on her head. In terms of personality, Petal is very quiet and nervous though. She has obviously had very bad experiences with people.
We recommend that she goes to a quiet and peaceful home with no young children. She will thrive with a lot of love and affection.
Rhea Farhan: The cat on my right is George. He’s 10 years old, and is a senior cat. He was brought to us by the son of an elderly lady who had George since he was a kitten. Sadly, the lady passed away a month ago, and her family couldn’t find a new home for George. It is always sad when this happens.
George is a pedigree cat. He is a British blue shorthair. His fur is a beautiful slate grey. George is very much a gentleman cat. He is refined and very well mannered.
But because of his age, he’s not very active and naps a lot during the day. George needs a patient and loving family who will take care of him during his advancing years.