Imagine Dragons creating writing entry by Qaisar Khan

We asked our readers to write a short piece of creative writing related to dragons. Here is one of the entries. It has not been edited.
There was nothing but darkness. I heard a voice behind me and turned, and came face to face with the girl of my dreams, Sarah before I could say or do anything Sarah disappeared and out came a dragon. The dragon said for 7 years you've had a crush on this girl and she only treats you like a friend. How pitiful! Before the dragon could say anything more I asked who are you and what do you know what the feeling of love is ? I am Jeff and I'm here to help you on your love life which is just sad. With saying such words I wondered why did Jeff have a big smile on his face. Jeff said he will make Sarah love me more than just a friend. How I asked he replied with a wait and see.
On Monday the 24th January I went school Jeff told me whatever I did but to ignore Sarah because girls like her get attention for no apparent reason. Till the end of school Sarah told me hello 8 times but each time I ignored her. The next day Jeff told me that it was my birthday and to let everyone know that Jeff made me wear a banner which said birthday boy. I got kisses from girls which burnt Sarah up. The next day not been given instructions on what to do I was lost but after school Sarah took me to star bucks where she wished me a 'happy belated birthday' followed by a long talk about something I wish I had paid attention to but me and my bad habits. The next day as I walked to school I was joined on my walk by Sarah. I asked her why was she doing such a thing ? She said why, can't I join my boyfriend for a walk ? Hearing the word boyfriend just lit me. That night I went to sleep a happy camper but good things don't last forever. The next day I got up for some reason I checked the calendar and it was still the 24th feeling confused I went to school but Sarah didn't join me on my walk. In school I tried to talk to Sarah but she was busy with all the guys giving her attention. Weird I thought as she had proposed to me the other day.? Was it all a dream ? Or what ? Anyway I have to finish reading this dragon book.