The ultimate Brain Game winner will win a Mobile Pixels Duex duo monitor

Every Wednesday we ask our Brain Game contestants one interesting, thought-provoking or just plain quirky question. Their answers will be published anonymously in Young Post. Then readers vote for their FAVOURITE answer. We will eliminate the contestant with the LEAST votes every week until we have a winner. The ultimate Brain Game winner will win a Mobile Pixel Duex duo monitor, which has been sponsored by searchingc.com.
Votes close at midnight on Sunday.
The contestants
Contestant 1
The title of my biography would be A New Road and it would focus on what happened during my school years. Secondary school is such an important time in life. I would write about all the challenges I faced, such as taking my exams, and my achievements.
I would also touch on my life outside school and talk about the memories I have of hanging out with my friends.
Contestant 2
My biography would be titled The Accidentally Decent Decision Maker. It would sum up my habit of making important decisions at the last minute, which has led me to learn some big life lessons.
It would include an inner dialogue of me questioning my abilities, and then deciding to do things anyway, whether it was deciding to join a club or which university to apply to.
Contestant 3
The Most Unpredictable Woman because that’s what I am. I ask unexpected questions which sometimes catch people off guard. I also change my mind a lot. I might want to be a scientist one day, then an actress the next, or a tailor, or a gardener.
I also tend to like one thing, but dislike other things that are very similar. I often surprise people, which is why I picked this title.
Contestant 4
Who Am I? – a compelling tale of a teen with a muddled identity who is struggling to deal with not fitting in. The detailed narrative will recount memorable events in my life that have had a huge influence on me.
The book would begin with the line: “I’ve lived on the face of this Earth for 13 years, but I still know so little.”
Contestant 5
As a child, I had big dreams of becoming an astronaut. But then I grew up and realised just how much of a failure I was. My life is a literal dramatic tragedy.
I don’t think much would happen in my book, so I don’t think it would need a special title. The Life of a Failed Youth would probably do.
Contestant 6
The title would be A Life of Passing Love. Love is a gift. We receive it from people, and can also give it to people.
My parents and teachers gave me a lot of love and support in the early years of my life, and I plan to pass on the love to others, and hope that everyone can have a life of passing on love, too.
Contestant 7
The Wrong Ticket. Life is a journey, and all our actions are tickets to new paths that will take us further along. You might reach success sooner if you pick the right ticket, but in my case, I haven’t been so lucky. I have chosen many wrong tickets in my life, but that made me realise that it’s not about where life can take me, it’s about where I can take my life. In the end, it’s the journey that matters.
Contestant 8
A Life Full of Wonders and Chances. Since I’ve had many opportunities to learn new skills and try new things in life, it think this would be a suitable title.
I’ve learned a lot of things, met some wonderful people, and have had loads of memorable moments. I feel blessed to have lived such a happy life and would love to write all about it.
Contestant 9
It’d be titled The In-between. Although I’ve lived in Hong Kong since I was born, I’ve always mostly spoken English, which made it hard to make friends with the locals. But even when I moved to Britain, it didn’t matter that I spoke perfect English, I didn’t have the same accent as others. All my life I’ve felt out of place so The In-between seems like a good title that encapsulates my feelings.
Contestant 10
Fisherman Amid the Stormy Sea. I cannot predict my future but I plan to take on whatever my life will bring me, and brave the worst of situations. With the skills I have honed, I will not miss the opportunity to catch any big fish that comes my way.
I believe I will one day make it out of the rough sea and land on a beautiful island where I can enjoy the retirement I deserve.
<a href="https://poll.fm/10406010">Which answer do you like BEST?</a>
*In case of dispute, Young Post reserves the right to reserves to decide the result