WTISD’s Green Tech Open Day 2024 and Digital Waste Solution Management Proposal Contest immerse students in sustainability innovation for Hong Kong

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  • The Green Tech ICT Open Day provides students with unique insights into the daily operations of leading information and communications technology companies in Hong Kong
  • Students are also encouraged to harness their creativity and explore innovative, feasible tech solutions by entering the “Sustainable HK Proposal Competition: Digital Solutions for Waste Management”
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The ICT Open Day and “Sustainable HK Proposal Competition: Digital Solutions for Waste Management” will take place in March and April this year. Photo: Handout

The eagerly-awaited ICT Open Day and “Sustainable HK Proposal Competition: Digital Solutions for Waste Management” will take place in March and April this year. Organised by the Communications Association of Hong Kong (CAHK) and supported by the Communications Authority, these events connect tech-savvy students with executives from leading information and communications technology (ICT) enterprises in Hong Kong. They offer students a unique platform to interact, share ideas, and inspire each other towards future innovation and technology (I&T) breakthroughs.

The Green Tech Open Day and Proposal Competition reflect the theme “Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development” of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) 2024. There is no registration fee.

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ICT Open Day 2024

While many of us use 5G broadband, cloud computing, and generative artificial intelligence (AI) daily, few understand the potential these advanced digital technologies have for sustainable development in Hong Kong and beyond. Hence, this year’s ICT Open Day theme is “Green Tech”. The ICT industry has played a vital role in shaping a greener future for Hong Kong.

Through company visits, students can gain first-hand experience that lays the groundwork for exploring how disruptive digital technologies can contribute to sustainability in our daily lives, thereby improving the quality of life. Participants will hear company representatives explain their innovative approaches to green living and working and their strategies for creating an eco-friendly future.

The upcoming ICT Open Day 2024 is enthusiastically supported by leading ICT corporations in Hong Kong, including China Mobile Hong Kong, CITIC Telecom International, Communications Authority, HGC Global Communications, Hong Kong Cyberport, HKT, and SmarTone. These corporations have initiated creative measures to enhance sustainability in their operations and broader society. They look forward to welcoming student groups and aim to provide an enriching experience during their visit.

Previous participants of the ICT Open Day have given overwhelmingly positive feedback. Many credit the event and their interactions with tech company executives for sparking their interest in digital technologies. The experience has been instrumental in shaping some of their future technology sector careers.

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Green solution proposal writing contest

In conjunction with the eagerly awaited ICT Open Day, the “Sustainable HK Proposal Competition: Digital Solutions for Waste Management” encourages students to harness their creativity and explore innovative, feasible tech solutions.

Hong Kong faces significant waste management challenges. In 2022, the city disposed of 5.74 million tonnes of solid waste in strategic landfills, averaging 15,725 tonnes per day. Despite control measures, waste increased by 1.2 per cent compared to the previous year. With limited land resources, it’s crucial for young people to contribute innovative digital solutions for waste management.

The competition asks students, “How can digital innovation revolutionise waste management in Hong Kong?” It invites pupils from Secondary Four to Six and tertiary level to submit proposals of a maximum of 800 words in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint format (a maximum of 20 slides) in either English or Chinese.

Proposals should include four sections:

  1. Outline of current waste management challenges in Hong Kong and the need for improved waste handling and environmental protection

  2. Description of how your ideas will enhance waste management in Hong Kong, focusing on waste reduction, increased recycling rates, and sustainability

  3. Highlight the digital solutions in your idea or product that will improve waste management

  4. Discussion of expected benefits, such as improved waste collection efficiency, cost reduction, and reduced environmental impact

Entries will be evaluated by a six-member panel from the Hong Kong ICT industry and environmental sector based on originality, writing quality, and visual presentation.

All participants will receive an eCert. Ten outstanding submissions will be selected, from which the champion, first runner-up, and second runner-up will be chosen. The top 10 winners will be awarded attractive prizes sponsored by Huawei, such as a smartwatch and wireless earphones, at the 2024 WTISD-HK Prize Presentation Ceremony on May 18, 2024.

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Important dates

The Green Tech ICT Open Day is set to take place on Saturday, April 13, 2024. Online registration will be available from March 4 to March 28. Online registration for the proposal competition is open until April 22.

Aligned with the “Green Tech” theme for WTISD 2024, CAHK collaborates with schools and the ICT industry to inspire students’ innovative spirit and passion for tech through various activities.

For registration and more information on WTISD 2024, please visit their website.

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