The story revolves around a group of boys who love to swim. Before they leave primary school, the gang takes part in a swimming relay contest to create a special memory and bond. After winning the competition, they go their separate ways. But they are reunited a few years later, in high school.
Unfortunately the reunion is not a harmonious one, as Rin, who has returned from studying in Australia, seems to be a completely different person. He now views protagonist Haruka as his swimming rival rather than a childhood friend.
The new show is produced by Kyoto Animation and Animation Do and is based on the award-winning light novel, High Speed!, by Koji Oji. Directing the series is Hiroko Utsumi, who animated K-On! and Lucky Star.
What will happen to the pair? Will their love of swimming become the thing that comes between them? Keep an eye out for Free! to hit Animax or J2 some time soon.