10 life skills every teenage boy needs to learn before he leaves school
- These skills aren't just for young men, but it's good to know how to wire a plug, tie a tie and introduce yourself properly
- Adulting isn't easy, so take all the tips and advice you can get

But here are 10 things every man should know, superhero or not.
Tie a necktie
A smart necktie is important for a man. It'll make you look stylish and well-dressed - like you're actually someone important. You should also know how to tie it. Don't just get one of those pre-tied ones or, worse, a clip-on. Five-year-olds wear clip-ons; you shouldn't.
Use a hammer
We can't know all the ins and outs of a toolbox. But you should learn to use at least some tools. Meet the hammer. Practise using one, but mind that thumb!
Know a card game
I'm not saying you should go to Macau and to make or lose a fortune. Young Post doesn't condone gambling. But it'll be nice to know your way around the deck of cards. A game of chor dai dee [Big Two] or Uno is a quick way to make new friends.
Start a fire
I don't mean going to the kitchen and turning on the stove. I mean a proper camp fire. You never know: you might get lost in the woods while hiking one day. Then I bet you'll be glad that you watched that episode of Man vs Wild.
Read a map
Maps on smartphones have made this skill a bit outdated. Still, you should know how to use a proper map. Knowing your way around gives you that manly aura. But no, asking for directions, if need be, is not unmanly when you're really lost.
Give a firm handshake (in non-Covid times)
A weak handshake tells people you are timid. Squeeze too hard and you risk hurting the other person. A good handshake should be a swift yet firm grip squarely in the other person's. Make sure to have eye contact and an easy smile if it's a Westerner.
Throw/catch a ball
It's common belief that all guys should be athletic. This is unfair. But we all have the innate skill to throw objects. It dates back to our mammoth-hunting ancestors. Now go practise throwing and catching.
Tie a knot
Tying a knot might seem easy. It's just loops and passes, after all. But can you do it for real? A strong knot is useful for many daily situations - from putting up decorations to fixing a broken bookbag strap or joining two ropes. You don't want to be the bumbling idiot whose packages fall apart on the street because of a poorly tied knot. No, sir!
Wire a plug
In this day and age, everything has a plug. Yet not too many people know how to wire one. When things are broken, it's easier to just toss it or take it to a repairman. But a few quick twists of a screwdriver and a bit of wiring know-how can help you save money and impress your friends or special someone.
Know CPR
This is a skill that everyone should know, not just men. In case of a medical emergency, a real man should be able to step up and act fast. What is more manly than saving a life by giving first aid to someone who needs it badly?
The skills the ladies in the office think a man needs:
- He should be my IT/computer devices person.
- Handyman skills. Repair a fridge, programme a TV, install a hi-fi set, change a light bulb, and fix leaky windowsills.
- Play a team sport so that he knows how to interact with others.
- Learn to cook at least one dish really well, something that's tasty, nutritious and looks good. Don't just expect women to cook for you!
- A man should know how to dance. Please learn at least one type of social dance. Then, we can go dancing at Christmas or on New Year's Eve.