A slew of grisly killings has hit Washington state. An evil vampire is amassing an army of newborns - vampires in the first few months of infection - to hunt down Bella. Newborns possess the strongest thirst for human blood.
Involved in a bitter war for centuries, the Cullens and the Quileute tribe must put aside their differences in order to protect Bella. She's in the middle of an awkward tug-of-war between her vampire boyfriend Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) and the buff Quilete/werewolf Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner).
The triangular relationship is constantly reinforced visually by having Bella physically positioned between her two suitors. She acts as the force that pulls them together and a wall that maintains the peace.
It's difficult to say which are more human: vampires or werewolves. Although Edward is perhaps the more intriguing, Jacob is more charismatic and easier for the audience to relate to. His youthful arrogance brings a human quality to his character. You can't help but secretly root for him to win Bella's heart.