China’s Communist Party

The sole governing power of the People’s Republic of China
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Latest news, analysis and opinion on the Communist Party of China which has ruled the country since 1949 and is currently led by General Secretary Xi Jinping. The party currently has over 90 million members and it began to admit private entrepreneurs into its ranks in 2001. 

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The city’s destiny was always about unification and integration, not democratisation or meeting Western expectations.
SCMP ColumnistAlex Lo
Paramount leader launched country on reform path that transformed nation from among the world’s least developed to a global force.
Politburo has vowed to step up macro policies and stabilise market confidence amid China’s planned economic overhaul.
China appears to have entered a stage when the pursuit of wealth is seen as something suspicious, not glorious.
SCMP ColumnistZhou Xin
Ambitious plan by third plenum aims to overhaul taxation system to help cash-strapped local governments and the people they serve.
The Communist Party’s elite are battling to find a way to shore up international confidence and cope with risks.
An array of long-term objectives from deepening reform of economy to meeting geopolitical challenges aim to rebalance China in years to come.
In America, the state serves finance, in China, it’s the other way around. That’s why the US financial services sector is highly predatory by using debt to ensnare clients and consumers.
SCMP ColumnistAlex Lo
American commentators may be hoping to bring down Beijing, but the whole region and Global South do not want animosity, let alone conflict.
SCMP ColumnistAlex Lo
Pro-business and pro-growth words from China’s president to heads of state-owned firms, private entrepreneurs and investors come ahead of third plenum focusing on economic strategy.
State Council institutions must follow new line that aims to improve efficiency, deliver growth and ensure technological transformation.
The concept of ‘new productive forces’ shows that China’s top leadership has realised that the traditional model of relying on debt-fuelled investment to drive growth has reached its limit.
SCMP ColumnistZhou Xin
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