Sovereign Asian Art Prize finalists show their contemporary works in Hong Kong exhibitions followed by charity auction
The exhibitions show the diversity of contemporary art in the region: with artists from Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore. What’s more, almost half of those chosen are female. Proceeds from the auction go towards an initiative that introduced impoverished Hong Kong children to art
An upcoming exhibition of this year’s Sovereign Asian Art Prize finalists, unbridled by any thematic concern and with impressive geographical reach, provides an insightful survey of contemporary art coming out of this diverse region.
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Five are Pakistan-born, two are working in Kazakhstan, and nearly a third are from Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore.
Pan-Asian art show weaves a worthy but off-key narrative of colonial exploitation
Local art lovers are likely to be unfamiliar with the artists from Kazakhstan, but they may well relate to the context in which they work (which has similarities to China’s): the rapid changes brought on by the collapse of the Soviet Union, the invasion of capitalist values and lifestyles, and living in a country ruled by an authoritarian president.