China coal power spree continues at frantic pace with 300+ plants in pipeline despite 2030 carbon pledge, research says
- Excessive permitting points to a lack of enforcement of policies meant to keep China on track to reach its decarbonisation goals, report says
- Most new projects are in areas that do not lack power capacity, says report from Global Energy Monitor and Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air

China this year has continued a coal spree that started in the summer of 2022, approving more permits for new coal plants, commissioning newly built plants and even bringing long-dormant plants back online despite the approaching 2030 deadline for the nation to reach peak carbon emissions, according to new research.
“As the world turns its back on new coal projects, China is making the path towards its energy transition and climate commitments more complicated and costly,” said Flora Champenois, research analyst at GEM and co-author of the report.

From January to June, construction started on 37GW of new coal power capacity, while 41GW of new projects were announced and in the queue for government approval. Meanwhile, China for the first time restarted suspended projects, reviving 8GW of previously shelved coal capacity in the first half of the year, the report said.