
Trending in Chinai

The latest news, trends and events people are talking about on China's internet, social media and elsewhere.


A husband in China, who suffered a cardiac arrest and has been barely conscious for many years, has now recovered thanks to his wife’s love and devotion.


An ancient tradition in China by which future brides are adopted by families with a son at a very young age and raised to be a wife still exists today, the Post explains why.

Zhang Weili is a mixed martial arts (MMA) champion from China who fought her way out of a small town to international stardom, gaining celebrity fans along the way, but she allows nothing to distract her.

A young Chinese woman who was planning her wedding had a thorough medical check-up because she was not menstruating, and found out that she was biologically a man.

More and more people in China are ditching their love of good-looking, successful movie characters for losers in an attempt to better understand their own existence.

A man in China who was under pressure from his girlfriend’s parents to buy her a flat filled a suitcase with bank training coupons, which she took to the police thinking he had been conned.

A student in China with a heart condition was made to take part in a morning run by her college tutor who did not believe she was unwell, with fatal consequences.

An advertisement for a tiny flat in Shanghai that featured a bed behind a toilet bowl went viral because it highlighted the city’s expensive real estate prices.

An online influencer in China has been caught up in the hunt for a fugitive from a murder in 2006 after fans noticed he resembled the suspect and reported him to the police.

Mainland social media has been captivated by the story of a politician from Thailand who was caught in bed naked with her adopted son, who at the time, was also a monk.

The idea of solar terms, such as “guyu” – grain rain – dates back to the Shang dynasty 3,600 years ago and was created by inhabitants near the Yellow River to optimise agricultural production.

A group of university students in China has posted an open letter on social media complaining about their professor, who they said was treating them like “slaves”.

A fugitive killer in China who escaped after murdering two people in 2001, has been captured after police received a tip-off which led them to uncover details of his bizarre secret life.

A retired woman in China who was feeling the aches and pains of old age has decided to improve her fitness by following a regular exercise regime from which she is reaping immense benefits.

A Chinese couple in their 80s who were once university sweethearts, but parted decades ago, have fallen in love all over again and celebrated a joyful wedding ceremony.

A new traditional Chinese medicine-based therapy is said to be helping people with psychological ailments such as stress, depression and grief, but not everybody is convinced of its effectiveness.

A strange new twist on a classic Japanese snack, which involves the underarm sweat of the women who prepare it, is being proudly promoted in some high-end establishments.

The story of a woman in South Korea who exploded in anger over there being no straw in her drinks order and demanded a cafe manager kneel in apology has sparked outrage on mainland social media.

A cat who survived a burning flat after setting it alight in a freak accident, causing US$14,000 worth of damage, has attracted 8 million views online after its owner made the feline appear on social media as “compensation”.

A woman in China who was upset after a drunken argument with her family, stormed out with her pet dog in tow, which later lead police to where she was attempting suicide.