There’s a saying: As long as there is a dream, there is hope. To make my dream come true, I have to strive for excellence.
My dream is to become a professional dancer. This is never easy in Hong Kong. But I really like dancing so I will not give up my dream. I understand that I will have to face a lot of obstacles, for example, money issues and a tough training schedule.
I do feel disappointed and frustrated sometimes, but I tell myself that I have to be brave if I’m to succeed.
What drives me to work hard? It’s definitely the applause from the audience. I truly appreciate it.
When others recognise my efforts, it encourages me to work harder and I feel that I can achieve anything.
Let’s try our best to make our dreams come true.
Metis Chan Sze-ki, Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College
Thank you for your letter, Metis. It is so wonderful to hear from students who have such a clear idea of what they want to achieve in life. It is especially exciting to hear from a young Hongkonger whose dream is to create art.
Achieving almost any dream takes hard work and sacrifice. Especially when that dream is not something that many other people support.
But that’s no reason to give up. Many famous people through history have been told that their dreams are unrealistic, but they stuck to them.
My favourite example at the moment is the American ballerina Misty Copeland, who was told she had the wrong body type to dance ballet. Also, there have been very few black prima ballerinas in the US. But she didn’t let that stop her. She is now the prima ballerina for one of the biggest US ballet companies, and a role model for anyone who has a dream.
Good luck following your dream.
Karly, deputy editor