HKEAA announces full 2019 DSE examination timetable and results release day
Written exams start on March 29 while the results will be posted on July 10

The Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority released the 2019 HKDSE examination timetable on Friday, as well as the results release day.
The written examinations will start on March 29, 2019, and core subject examinations including Chinese Language, Liberal Studies, English Language, and Mathematics Compulsory Part will be held from April 1-8, 2019.
The Chinese Language speaking examinations will be conducted from March 12-21, 2019, while the English Language speaking examinations will be held from April 29 - May 9, 2019. Students taking smaller-entry elective subjects, which will be held from April 19-22, will not need to sit their English speaking examination on the same day as their elective written exams.
Elective subjects with a School-based Assessment component or options required equating will be examined earlier than those without. Simulations of the subject combinations have been conducted to minimise the number of candidates who have to sit examinations on two or three consecutive days.
Three examination dates have been tentatively earmarked for Design & Applied Technology, Physical Education (PE) and Music examinations, and two or more of these subjects will be examined on April 9 and April 18 as scheduled if there is no overlap of candidates.
Some schools will have to suspend classes for up to five days to free up classrooms as examination venues for the core subjects with the largest entries, but the majority will only be required to suspend classes for one to two days.
The date for the release of most 2019 examination results is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, 10 July 2019, and the exact date for the release of results for Category C (Other Languages) will be announced in mid-January.
For the full timetable, please visit the HKEAA website.