This is a sequel to 2008's Resident Evil: Degeneration and sees the return of US Federal Agent Leon S. Kennedy, trapped in the middle of a civil war in a fictional former Soviet republic.
Kennedy has been sent there to gather intelligence on rumoured uses of Bio-Organic Weapons (BOW) for the US government, which, with Russia, is looking to intervene in the war; but before he can even start his mission he is ordered to pull out. Yet knowing the full horrors of a BOW infestation, Kennedy ignores his orders and investigates.
The movie is well written, with graphics equal to those you'll find in scenes in the Resident Evil games. Sadly it's let down by the English voice acting, which is somewhat flat and poorly synced.
The film was released as a digital download on Xbox Live, Zune and the PlayStation Network on September 15; it is now also available in "hardcopy" on DVD and Blu-ray.
Hurry to get your copy before the zombie apocalypse befalls Hong Kong!