Irish rockband The Script put on an electric performance at intimate Hong Kong venue
Danny O’Donoghue, Mark Sheehan and Glen Power played to a highly enthusiastic audience at Kitec centre on Tuesday night
“This crowd is pretty small,” one audience member was overheard saying.
“Yeah, The Script isn’t as big as they were. Back in 2013, you would hear their songs everywhere.”
Yes, it’s true. In some ways, Irish rock band The Script has moved past its days of mainstream notoriety. Their most popular song Hall of Fame – which has amassed more than 337 million views on YouTube – came out in 2012. That's not bad considering how many artists there are now, how short people's attention span is now, how hard it is to reach the top and even harder to stay there, and how rock music is dying.
Even though The Script’s show in Hong Kong last night was smaller than its 2013 one, that didn't stop the charming trio - Danny O’Donoghue, Mark Sheehan and Glen Power - from delivering a dazzling performance to a relatively small but highly enthusiastic audience at Kitec centre in Kowloon Bay.
Having achieved plenty of success and fame already, The Script, who have been together for 11 years, told Young Post before the show that they continue to tour because “it’s just what we love to do.”
“It’s really tiring and there are times the jetlag kicks in, but when we’re on stage the adrenaline keeps us going and we feed off the crowd.”
O’Donoghue, who has clearly mastered the art of working and charming a crowd, continuously made a point to express his love and appreciation for everyone in the audience.
“You guys are amazing, every single one of you,” he said, while promising the group would visit the city again soon.
If the band was fatigued from being in the middle of a massive world tour, they certainly didn’t show it on stage. O’Donoghue sang with passion, purpose, and perfectly in tune – all while egging the crowd on to sing along, dance with the person next to them, or begin a mobile phone light show.
Sheehan had a powerful stage presence and provided excellent backup vocals in addition to crisp guitar riffs. Meanwhile, Power was drumming emphatically, providing backup vocals of his own, and occasionally looking into the crowd to give a little wink along with a cheeky, charming smile.
And that’s just it – if there was one word to describe The Script, it would be charming. Whether it’s because of their dreamy Irish accents, their rugged good looks, or their pleasant and loving demeanor, this trio has all the elements of charm, and then some.