Comedy PK is a refreshing search for truth [Review]

If you understand Cantonese, PK might not sound like a good film choice. But 3 Idiots director Rajkumar Hirani's latest work is as intriguing as it is entertaining.
Humanoid alien PK (Aamir Khan) is stranded on Earth after the remote control to his spaceship is stolen. Everyone he asks tells him "God knows" where it is, so PK explores different religions to find God. He quickly becomes disillusioned by strange rituals and money-minded religious leaders; but he befriends TV journalist Jaggu (Anushka Sharma), who comes up with a plan to get his remote back.
Khan is phenomenal in his portrayal of the well-meaning alien who is trying to make sense of the confusing thing we call human culture - "When a person says they like chicken and rabbit, it doesn't mean they love animals," he warns. We must also give him credit for managing to keep his eyes wide open and his eyebrows raised for almost the whole two-and-a-half-hour film.
Best of all are the questions that PK asks about religion. They are hilarious but refreshingly dead-on, things we've all wondered, but haven't dared ask, for fear of being offensive.
While at times PK seems a tad preachy, and the coincidences a bit too convenient, those hungry for some food for thought won't be disappointed.