If you're a Game of Thrones or Hunger Games fan, you'll love these books
- If you need a break from the madness of real life, dive into the intricate, fascinating stories of these fantasy worlds
- From battles worthy of the kingdoms of Westeros, to a modern-day, real-world heroine who finds herself trapped in a land of make believe, this will transport you
If you're a fan of character-driven fantasy stories, with power struggles, politics, bravery, and nail-biting situations - or you're simply still reeling from the end of The Hunger Games and Game of Thrones - these 5 books should help.
Children of Blood and Bone
The first in Tomi Adeyemi's Legacy of Orisha trilogy mixes magic and tribal wars, suffering and vengeance in a glorious, often jaw-dropping novel that, incredibly, is the author's debut.
Read our review here and buy a copy here.
What would happen if the Grim Reaper wasn't a mythical being, but a real, live human, a legal and necessary killing tool in a future world where disease, injury, and age have been conquered by science? That's the premise of this story, in which two teens are selected as apprentice "scythes" to learn the art of death. But, like in the Hunger Games before it, the morals and humanity of the two protagonists will be constantly put to the test, risking their own survival, and that of their loved ones.
Read our review here and buy a copy here.
Two Dark Reigns
Queen Katharine has waited her entire life to become the ruler of Fennbirn Island. But where would be the fun in that for the reader? Katharine’s two sisters, Mirabella and Arsinoe, are waiting in the wings to steal the throne. Believed by some to be dead, they are in fact in hiding, just waiting for the right moment to attack. Add to the mix a ghost ruler, rebel forces, and a richly imagined geography, and you've got Westeros for a younger audience.
Read our review here and buy a copy here.
The Smoke Thieves
The stories of five unrelated characters - a princess, a traitor, a soldier, a demon-hunter, and a thief - are brought together here, in the first instalment of an ambitious saga telling of warring nations, treachery, families torn apart, and life-threatening mysteries. This is story-telling of the highest order; luckily, the second book is out, and the third part due this summer.
Read our review here and buy a copy here.
The Hazel Wood
Alice's grandmother wrote a cult book of terrifying fairy tales, set in decades ago, and then shut herself up in a massive house, all alone. Alice never read the book, and her mum would never discuss the stories. But when her mother disappears, leaving nothing but a message to stay away from grandmother's house, Alice decides to investigate the spooky home - and the supernatural world where her grandmother’s stories are set, and whose characters seem more real than she could have imagined.
Read our review here and buy a copy here.
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