How did Alice Guo flee the Philippines? Officials’ contradictions fuel cover-up suspicions
One senator called for a total revamp of the Bureau of Immigration if it failed to provide ‘satisfactory answers’ about Guo’s escape

Ferlu Silvio, director of the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA), theorised at a Senate justice and human rights subcommittee hearing on Tuesday that Guo and her companions could have taken a “back door” route out of the country – a boat from Tawi-Tawi, the Philippines’ southernmost province, to Kota Kinabalu, the state capital of Malaysia’s Sabah, about 430km away.
A trip from Tawi-Tawi to Sabah can take three hours by high-speed ferry.
The agency said that Guo and her companions could have made their way from the Sabah capital to Kuala Lumpur, flying to Singapore and travelling to the island of Batam in Indonesia.