Singapore invokes fake news law against Bloomberg, 3 others over bungalow sales article
The law ministry says the false statements in the Bloomberg article ‘attack the transparency of property transactions in Singapore’

The ministry said in a statement on Monday that Bloomberg published false statements that “attack the transparency of property transactions in Singapore”.
“Together, these falsehoods give the impression that Singapore does not have a robust legal framework to require disclosure of information to the government in GCB transactions, which may allow wrongdoing to take place undetected. It is in the public interest that these falsehoods are addressed so that public confidence in the government is not undermined.”
Apart from Bloomberg, the correction order was also issued to The Edge Singapore, The Independent Singapore and The Online Citizen.
The four news sites are required to carry correction notices against their original articles and social media posts, stating that they contained false statements of fact, and provide a link to the government’s clarification.
The Edge Singapore and Independent Singapore have published correction notices and removed their articles, while The Online Citizen carried the correction notice but its article is still online, according to checks by This Week in Asia.