
Will Dutertes’ Philippine Senate ambitions threaten Marcos Jnr or is it just a media stunt?

  • Analysts say the Dutertes have not always followed through with their announcements for candidacies for certain posts

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Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte (left) and his daughter Sara Duterte in 2018. Sara Duterte has confirmed her father and brothers are seeking Senate seats in the midterm elections next year. Photo: AFP
Following Philippine Vice-President Sara Duterte-Carpio’s resignation from the cabinet last week, speculation about the future of her politically powerful family has intensified after she confirmed that her father and brothers are eyeing Senate seats in the 2025 midterm elections.

Analysts say the announcement should be treated cautiously since it could be part of a strategy meant to gauge the Duterte clan’s political strength as they prepare to challenge President Ferdinand Marcos Jnr and his family’s dynasty.

Duterte-Carpio confirmed on Tuesday that her father, former president Rodrigo Duterte, and brothers, Congressman Paolo Duterte and Davao City mayor Sebastian Duterte, were “all raring to run”.

“Three Dutertes will be running next year. That’s confirmed,” she said during an event in the Office of the Vice-President, while also hinting at her own possible return to the mayorship of Davao City, her family’s hometown and bailiwick.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte (right) is sworn in while his daughter Veronica Duterte holds the bible, and other children (back row from left) Sebastian Duterte, Sara Duterte and Paolo Duterte look on, during the oath-taking ceremony at the Malacanang Palace in Manila on June 30, 2016. Photo: Presidential Communication Operations Office / AFP
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte (right) is sworn in while his daughter Veronica Duterte holds the bible, and other children (back row from left) Sebastian Duterte, Sara Duterte and Paolo Duterte look on, during the oath-taking ceremony at the Malacanang Palace in Manila on June 30, 2016. Photo: Presidential Communication Operations Office / AFP

However, political analysts note that such declarations are typical of the Dutertes, who have previously announced candidacies for certain posts without following through.
