Bali sends German tourist who stripped naked in temple for mental health treatment
- Police also accuse Darja Tuschinski of failing to pay bills at multiple hotels during her stay on the Indonesian island
- More travellers are being deported from Bali for behaviour or gestures that authorities say have hurt religious sentiment of Balinese Hindus

Police also accused Darja Tuschinski of failing to pay bills at multiple hotels during her holiday on the popular island, which has seen a rise in deportations of inbound travellers for indulging in behaviour or gestures that authorities say have hurt the religious sentiments of Balinese Hindus.
“The foreigner is depressed because she has no money to finance her stay in Bali,” police spokesman Stefanus Satake Bayu said on Thursday.

Her act sparked outrage from local residents and netizens, and left some guests, mostly foreign visitors, bemused while others shook their heads.
The 28-year-old also tried to enter the shrine’s inner sanctum before being turned away by a security guard.
Police said she had a squabble with staff members at the event and forced her way into the open-air venue, undressed herself and stood near the dancers, Indonesia’s Antara news agency reported.