In Japan, coronavirus crisis traps families at home with domestic abuse
- Amid a spate of suspicious deaths and the launch of a national domestic violence hotline, experts are warning that the worst could be yet to come
- Couples that would normally spend whole days apart are now forced to be together round the clock – and there’s more than ever to argue about
Unveiled by Seiko Hashimoto, the minister for women’s empowerment, the free hotline is presently available from 9am to 9pm, but from April 29 it is planned to be a 24-hour service, with support available in a number of foreign languages – including Thai, Tagalog, Korean and Vietnamese – from May 1.

Recent cases include the arrest on Thursday of 45-year-old Chieko Yoshida on suspicion of killing her 47-year-old husband. Their relatives and neighbours in the town of Kuji, in Iwate Prefecture, told local media that they were unaware of any problems between the couple.
The following day, an 18-year-old woman in Fukushima Prefecture was arrested on suspicion of killing her nine-month-old son. That same day, police in Aichi Prefecture took a 22-year-old woman into custody on charges of killing her nine-day-old son.