
Flu in Hong Kongi

Latest news and updates on seasonal influenza outbreaks in Hong Kong, including what is being done to combat the virus.


  • Unvaccinated four-year-old girl infected with influenza A died at Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital in Chai Wan on Monday
  • Centre for Health Protection warns that dominating flu virus strain might change for second time, possibly extending flu season already longer than usual

Dr Edwin Tsui expects a surge in flu cases between January and April as ‘many people may travel overseas during Christmas and attend celebrations on New Year’s Eve’.

Readers discuss the positive momentum in bilateral relations following the Xi-Biden summit, protection against the winter flu season, district council election turnout and taxi drivers’ woes.

Authority’s chief manager says public hospitals bringing in more staff, adding 103 beds and boosting capacity at general outpatient clinics ahead of winter surge.

Experts says respiratory illness cases linked to bacteria have risen, with one noting public hospitals had seen ‘more than 100 cases every month from September onwards.

‘People, children in particular, will be more vulnerable as they have not been exposed to any major flu virus in the past three years,’ authority chief Tony Ko says.

Health secretary Lo Chung-mau says sewage tests carried out since Covid-19 pandemic hit had helped predict start of outbreaks and could also signal increased flu infection rate.

Half of at-risk residents aged 50 and above unaware that pneumococcus bacteria is common cause of pneumonia, which was ranked city’s second-deadliest medial condition last year.