Tech firm Sunevision set to launch city’s largest data centre
Tseung Kwan O facility to sharpen Hong Kong’s competitiveness as a regional data centre hub
Sunevision, the technology arm of developer Sun Hung Kai Properties, is set to open its advanced “Mega Plus” facility in Tseung Kwan O next year, which is expected to sharpen Hong Kong’s competitiveness with Singapore as a regional data centre hub.
The company’s Mega Plus complex, with a gross data centre space of 470,000 square feet, represents the first site to be developed on a three-hectare plot of land dedicated by the Hong Kong government for building such facilities.
At the topping out ceremony on Thursday for the facility under construction on Wan Po Road, the Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Nicholas Yang Wei-hsiung, described data centres as “essential infrastructure for a knowledge-based economy”.
“With the robust growth in cloud computing, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and big data analytics, Hong Kong has seen strong demand for data centres in recent years,” Yang said.