South Stand fans enjoy last years Hong Kong Sevens. The beer flowed like wine. Photo: Felix Wong

The tricky issue of drinking during the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens can be a disorientating (and oftentimes dangerous) challenge even for the most battle-hardened boozers.


Friday is a “late” start after an early dart from the office – how quick should you go when you arrive at the ground? All out, or keep your powder dry for a painfully early kick-off on Saturday? It is Friday night after all.

Saturday brings a whole raft of unique strategic conundrums of its own. You’ve managed the early rise required to reserve a perch in the South Stand and have negotiated a beer breakfast, but now what?

Do you try to keep pace with the rowdy group in the row behind you drinking from each others boots by 9am? Or do you stick to the safe, steady speed you’ve adopted to ensure you see the last match of the day? And, good grief, it’s hot in here.

And as for Sunday – you’re back in the office tomorrow, but a few pints sound nice. It might just straighten you out – hair of the dog and that. But if it’s a sunny day and they’re going down too easily ...
It’s largely believed that this poor soul wasn’t actually snoozing in a trough at the Sevens. Don’t try to emulate him. Photo: Twitter
It’s largely believed that this poor soul wasn’t actually snoozing in a trough at the Sevens. Don’t try to emulate him. Photo: Twitter

There are few occasions on the Hong Kong sporting calendar when boozing plays such an prominent role in the festivities.
