Results / Latest Results

Race Results:

17 February 2019 - Sha Tin


Class 4 - 1000M - A+3
Course: ST Cloudy
Going: g
Finish Time: 0:57:21
Sectional Time: 13.28 20.84 23.09

PlaceHorse NoHorse NameJockeyTrainerRateWeightONRDDrawMarginTimeIn RunningSection Time
111SUNSHINE UNIVERSE (A130)C. WongR. Gibson481145.23.7100:57:219-11-113.56 21.12 22.53
28TRUST ME (C134)W. M. LaiC. H. Yip521258899131.750:57:5112-12-213.88 20.88 22.75
32WINNER SUPREME (C226)A. SannaY. S. Tsui581314.76.4142.50:57:602-1-313.28 20.84 23.48
41MY CHANCE (B214)U. RispoliK. W. Lui60133122863 0:57:688-7-413.56 20.84 23.28
513BULLISH BROTHER (C034)C. Y. HoA. S. Cruz441157.513123.50:57:753-6-513.32 21.04 23.39
610LET'S COME BACK (B367)M. ChadwickC. Fownes50123142445 0:58:0210-9-613.60 20.88 23.54
714LEVANTE (B177)M. F. PoonL. Ho44114649975.250:58:0313-13-714.20 20.80 23.03
812HAPPY COOPERATION (T392)M. L. YeungT. P. Yung47118192135.250:58:064-8-813.36 21.08 23.62
96SHINING ACE (C229)J. MoreiraJohn Size52125222825.750:58:136-3-913.40 20.80 23.93
103ARRIBA ARRIBA (C086)K. C. LeungW. Y. So52125234288 0:58:487-2-1013.44 20.76 24.28
119WONDER EXPRESS (C224)K. TeetanC. S. Shum52125147.118.50:58:5711-10-1113.64 21.04 23.89
124CAPTAIN FANTASTIC (C105)S. De SousaA. T. Millard52125344359 0:58:6614-14-1214.24 20.92 23.50
137TAKINGUFURTHER (C131)H. N. WongK. H. Ting5212212141113.250:59:321-4-1313.28 20.96 25.08
145KING'S TROOPER (C130)N. CallanP. F. Yiu521255.33.4914.750:59:585-5-1413.36 20.88 25.34
Breed of the Winning Horse:SUNSHINE UNIVERSE
Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
win 11 37
place 11 15.5
8 331.5
2 20
quinella 8-11 4652.5
quinella place 8-11 1409.5
2-11 47
2-8 1178
3 pick 1 (Composite Win) A1 23.5
tierce 11-8-2 32823
trio 2-8-11 5093
first 4 1-2-8-11 23473
quartet 11-8-2-1 555356
1st double (7-11) $235.0
1st double consulation (7-8) $863.5

Recap by phillip woo

Punted late Sunshine Universe came on nicely after peeling into the open on the far side approaching the 200m from behind midfield to get up approaching the 100m for a second straight win. Rank outsider Trust Me came with a ducking-and-weaving run over the final 300m travelling second from the back to grab second 20m out in a vastly-improved second-up run with a step back in distance. He appears to have an engine. Winner Supreme grudgingly gave way after getting challenged up front on the stands side. It was a good effort carrying more weight following a second-up win. My Chance stayed on better fore of midfield to just miss a placing. He appreciated both a downgrade and step back in distance. Bullish Brother stayed on without menacing following a handy run. He's no world-beater but is only three years of age. Favourite King's Trooper was gone 300m out travelling up on the speed. He failed to live up to his trials and will need more time.

Racing Incident Report

Race Two: (425) - CITIGOLD HANDICAP - Class 4 - 1000Meters

On leaving the Parade Ring, KING'S TROOPER became fractious and made heavy contact with a rail, resulting in N Callan being dislodged without incident.

After being remounted, KING'S TROOPER then proceeded to the Start without further incident.

On arrival at the Start, KING'S TROOPER was examined by the Veterinary Officer and after the necessary consultations found that horse to be suitable to race.

CAPTAIN FANTASTIC (S de Sousa), which was fractious in the barriers, lifted its front feet off the ground as the start was effected, began awkwardly and made contact with the outside gate, resulting in the horse losing ground.

S de Sousa stated that when CAPTAIN FANTASTIC bumped the outside gate, his left leg was caught between the horse and the gate, causing him to be inconvenienced throughout the race.

S de Sousa was subsequently examined by the Chief Medical Officer and passed fit to fulfil his remaining race riding engagements.

TRUST ME began awkwardly and shifted in, resulting in TRUST ME losing ground when checked away from the heels of BULLISH BROTHER which was bumped and taken out by TAKINGUFURTHER.

Approaching the 300 Metres, SUNSHINE UNIVERSE was steadied and shifted to the inside of LET'S COME BACK after being disappointed for running between that horse and HAPPY COOPERATION.

Approaching and passing the 300 Metres, TRUST ME was shifted in a number of horses in an attempt to obtain clear running.

TRUST ME was held up for clear running approaching and passing the 200 Metres and then when being directed to the outside of MY CHANCE passing the 200 Metres, MY CHANCE shifted out, resulting in TRUST ME racing tight outside MY CHANCE, shifting out and inconveniencing ARRIBA ARRIBA.

Passing the 200 Metres, LET'S COME BACK was awkwardly placed inside the heels of SHINING ACE which shifted in.

SHINING ACE, which was racing greenly, then shifted out a number of horses passing the 150 Metres, inconveniencing HAPPY COOPERATION.

When questioned regarding the performance of KING'S TROOPER, N Callan stated that whilst the horse was fractious leaving the Parade Ring, he did not believe he could use this as an excuse for the horse's performance as KING'S TROOPER proceeded to the Start well.

He said unlike the most recent time when KING'S TROOPER was due to race, the horse was well behaved in the barriers and travelled well in the early stages in a forward position.

He said the manner in which KING'S TROOPER travelled today replicated the manner in which the horse barrier trialed, particularly its most recent trial when it had performed very well.

He said however KING'S TROOPER went from travelling well to coming off the bridle near the 500 Metres and subsequently failed to finish off the race.

He added whilst KING'S TROOPER is immature at this early stage of its racing career, nonetheless it was very disappointing in the manner in which it gave ground over the latter stages of the race.

A veterinary inspection of KING'S TROOPER immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

The performance of KING'S TROOPER was considered unacceptable.

Before being allowed to race again, KING'S TROOPER will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

After the race, an endoscopic examination was conducted on ARRIBA ARRIVA at the request of Trainer W Y So.

The Veterinary Surgeon reported that this examination showed a substantial amount of blood in the horse's trachea.

Before being allowed to race again, ARRIBA ARRIBA will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

A veterinary inspection of CAPTAIN FANTASTIC immediately following the race did not show any significant findings, however, the horse was unable to be scoped due to being fractious.

A veterinary inspection of TAKINGUFURTHER immediately following the race found that horse to have sustained a minor cut to the inside of the right hind fetlock.

KING'S TROOPER, SUNSHINE UNIVERSE and TRUST ME were sent for sampling.