Why is Hongkong Land, the biggest landlord in Central, avoiding the co-working frenzy?
As the co-working craze catches on in the city, with every major developer latching on to the bandwagon, Hongkong Land, the largest office landlord in Central, does not even look remotely interested.
This is despite the supply of co-working space in Hong Kong expanding by 20 per cent to 1.2 million square feet in the five months to May following the entry of some major international co-working brands. Some 48 per cent of the space is in Grade A offices, according to figures from CBRE.
“Co-working operators are not making money,” said Neil Anderson, director and head of office space at Hongkong Land, which owns 4.84 million sq ft of floor space in buildings such as Alexandra House, Chater House and Jardine House in Central, the most expensive place to rent office space in the world.
“If you are in a start-up position, I think it really is difficult to make it a profitable business.”
Calling himself “the voice of doom” at a conference hosted by The Urban Land Institute in early June, Anderson has turned down some major co-working operators who wanted to lease space from the company. “I don’t want the ‘co-working’ name in our portfolio.”