Asean’s transition to renewable energy takes centre stage at SAREF 2.0 event in Malaysia
- The second Sustainability and Renewable Energy Forum, organised by Sarawak Energy, continued the conversation on building a sustainable energy future
- Panel discussions addressed efforts in energy poverty eradication, renewable energy options and corporate strategies to achieve net-zero emissions

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Renewable energy will have a key role to play in achieving sustainable growth and building a more equitable world for all as we move into the recovery phase of the Covid-19 pandemic.
That was the consensus among the speakers at the Sustainability and Renewable Energy Forum 2021 (SAREF 2.0), which took place on November 24 and brought together stakeholders and decision makers to discuss the commitment and actions needed for building a future in sustainable energy for Southeast Asia.
Organised by Sarawak Energy, SAREF debuted in 2019 in Kuching, the capital of Sarawak state in Malaysia. This year, it was held online and integrated into the GO ESG Asean 2021 Summit, presented in partnership with the UN Global Compact Network Malaysia and Brunei (UNGCMYB), as a parallel session to further the conversation about collaboration and opportunities in renewables.
The forum came as Sarawak Energy, Malaysia’s largest renewable energy provider and the primary power utility for Sarawak in Malaysian Borneo, celebrates its 100th year.
Sarawak Energy was also recently named a corporate winner at the UNGCMYB 2021 Sustainability Performance Awards for its efforts in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Ambition Benchmark 7: science-based emission reduction in line with a 1.5 degrees Celsius pathway. In addition, its group CEO, Sharbini Suhaili, received the Sustainability Icon Award.
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