Letters from readers: Discover the joy of dogs, flipbooks and other creative hobbies
This week, students share their passions and pursuits, proving that even the simplest activities can bring joy and satisfaction.

Joseph Wong (aged 8), Kowloon Junior School
I really love dogs! They are the best animals ever. It is very cool how they wag their tails when they are happy.
Dogs can be super funny, like when they chase their tails or bark at their reflections in the mirror. I love watching videos of corgis playing because they are so cute and silly.
I like to imagine playing fetch with them and giving them lots of treats. Dogs are also really friendly and love to cuddle.
Having a dog as a friend would be the greatest thing ever because they always make you happy.
Fun fact: corgis were Queen Elizabeth’s favourite animal.

Adam Chan Long-kiu (aged 8), St Hilary’s Primary School
A flipbook is a booklet with a series of images, each gradually changing from one page to the next. When flipped quickly, images appear to move.
I made my first flipbook, titled The Bouncy Ball, when I was seven years old. Although it wasn’t very good, I didn’t lose my passion.
I learned how to make flipbooks by watching a YouTube channel called “Andymation.”
Recently, I made a flipbook called The Shadow Friend.
I worked hard on it for a week, and when I finished, I felt a great sense of satisfaction.

Heather Chu Wai-kiu (aged 10), Sacred Heart Canossian School Private Section
I want to tell you about the activities I enjoy doing at home.
First, I like drawing cute characters because I want to practise my drawing skills and I feel happy when I draw.
Second, I love playing with Play-Doh because I can use it to make anything in my imagination, and I often make animals and family members.
I hope you will enjoy the same activities!