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Feature of the Week: Gloria Hau Tin-wai’s story about a magical fashion show

Posties readers
9 Sep, 2024

The seven-year-old student from Renaissance College writes a creative tale about a competition at the world-famous Hogwarts

Gloria Hau’s illustration for her story about a magical fashion show. Photo: Handout
Gloria Hau’s illustration for her story about a magical fashion show. Photo: Handout
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A long time ago, there was a royal wizards’ fashion show held at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Dumbledore, the beloved headmaster, was the judge, and Professor McGonagall was the announcer. Girls in the house of Gryffindor competed against the girls in Slytherin.

The wizards and witches of Gryffindor were all smiles. A student named Hermione modelled a pink cotton night dress. The top had yellow wooden buttons. The bottom had a golden Gryffindor lion on it. She wore gold shoes and a witch hat.

Kelly, another student from Gryffindor, had braids in her chocolate brown hair and a flower hair clip. She wore an ocean-blue crop top with two straps on each side and a skirt with diamonds. She also wore pink leggings and black high-heeled shoes.

The next model, Gloria, also had braided chocolate brown hair paired with a hot pink strawberry clip.

She wore a unique, stylish, ocean-coloured, off-the-shoulder curved crop top, a heart-shaped pendant, and a short hot pink skirt that ended above her knees. On her skirt was a beautiful rose. She wore pink high-heeled shoes with silk cobwebs on them.

Meanwhile, Nicole sported a long golden ponytail with lots of scrunches and clips.

She also had a peach-coloured strawberry dress with blue crosses on the top. On the bottom were silky pink ribbons with Gryffindor written in gold, along with pink high-heeled shoes.

Meanwhile, the Slytherin girls had the same messy hair, nightgowns made of blood, and witch shoes.

It was no contest: the team from Gryffindor won! Judge Dumbledore handed trophies to all the Gryffindor girls. They couldn’t wait until next year’s show.

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