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Claire Frankart’s top pick: Dancing with the Birds

Posties readers
26 Aug, 2024

  • The 11-year-old student from Redmond Middle School (United States of America) talks about a fascinating documentary that will leave you in awe

Birds are fascinating animals - how much do you know about them? Photo: Shutterstock
Birds are fascinating animals - how much do you know about them? Photo: Shutterstock
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I recommend the 2019 documentary Dancing with the Birds. The movie teaches us about the many types of amazing birds and shows the unique things nature has to offer through these bright, unique, and beautiful creatures.

The behaviours of some birds will leave you in awe. After watching the film, you will have more respect for the beautiful birds of paradise. You will wonder how much you don’t know about the birds outside your window. Check out the film on Netflix!

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