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Letters from readers: ‘Awe walks’, travel and dreams for school

Posties readers
11 Sep, 2023
Here’s what students want to share  Photo: Shutterstock
Here’s what students want to share Photo: Shutterstock
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Noelle Lui, aged 9, Bloom KKCA Academy

Photo: Handout
Photo: Handout

During the Covid-19 pandemic, I felt sad and worried thinking we would always be stuck wearing masks and learning at home.

Then, I joined Unesco’s Learning Never Stops campaign and heard about “awe walks”, which means walking in nature and letting it amaze you. This makes us feel as if we’re part of something larger than ourselves.

Even as in-person classes have returned, I hope you can find your moment of awe today and every day.

Benson Lam, aged 10, WF Joseph Lee Primary School

Photo: Handout
Photo: Handout

This summer, I joined the Posties summer camp. We went to Hong Kong International Airport, and I had a blast.

We interviewed airport staff and people who were travelling. The staff members said they tried their best to do each job.

One passenger was coming back from Thailand. He said that swimming was the best thing to do there, and the food was mouth-watering, especially the noodles.

Travelling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books.

Cameron Beal, aged 7, United Nations International School (US)

Photo: Handout
Photo: Handout

My dream school would have a water slide in each classroom. In the winter, the water will be hot, and when it’s hot outside, the water will be cold.

To get to each class, you would take a roller coaster. The playground would have a giant water park.

The school can also become a pool, so you can cool down by swimming around. If you want to eat, you put a plastic bubble over your head and put the food into the bubble so your food does not get soggy. That is what I wish my school could be like.

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