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Zhurong Mars rover reveals secrets of the red planet

Esther Cheung
30 Sep, 2024

The rover, named after a Chinese fire god, explored Mars for over a year and collected valuable data and images.

The Zhurong Mars rover explored Mars for 358 days, using innovative technology to stay warm. Photo: China National Space Administration
The Zhurong Mars rover explored Mars for 358 days, using innovative technology to stay warm. Photo: China National Space Administration
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Difficulty: Challenger (Level 2)

Scientists are studying Mars because they think humans could live there someday.

However, the planet is very cold and has strong dust storms. This is where a Mars rover comes in handy.

The Zhurong Mars rover is named after the Chinese fire god Zhurong. It landed on Mars in 2021 and explored the surface for 358 Mars days and became inactive in 2022. It is still on Mars today.

A rover needs to stay at an even temperature and have enough power so its tools can work properly in the freezing Martian climate, where temperatures can drop to -153 degrees Celsius.

Zhurong has a special way to stay warm. It has circular “windows” at its top. Under those windows is a chemical called N-Undecane. This chemical absorbs heat during the day and releases it at night, keeping the rover warm. A special aerogel ensures the cabin remains at a good temperature.

The rover uses sunlight to make electricity. Solar panels cover its top and butterfly-like wings. But when dust cover these panels, they don’t work as well. The panels have a special coating to keep dust off. Even with this, Zhurong has not been able to wake up from its sleep. Its designer thinks that dust could have stopped it from waking up and cleaning itself.

Still, the photos and data sent by Zhurong show us what Mars looks like. Thanks to Zhurong, we are getting closer to sending people to explore Mars!


  • Why are scientists interested in Mars?

  • How does Zhurong stay warm on the planet?

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