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Hong Kong parent-teacher groups defend kindergarten mock interviews

30 Sep, 2024

Education Bureau has called to end the practice, citing concerns about the pressure put on children.

The Education Bureau said mock interviews put undue pressure on children applying to primary school, but parent groups beg to differ. Photo: Xiaomei Chen
The Education Bureau said mock interviews put undue pressure on children applying to primary school, but parent groups beg to differ. Photo: Xiaomei Chen
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Difficulty: Summiteer (Level 3)

Parent-teacher groups in Hong Kong have said most of their members welcome the primary school admissions interview training given by kindergartens. Still, education authorities say the training should be scrapped.

The Education Bureau said such mock interviews put undue pressure on children. But representative groups disagreed. They said the move would only lead parents to seek out such interview courses at private tutorial centres.

Applicants to government and aided primary schools in Hong Kong do not have to do interviews to be admitted.

However, children may have to sit for an interview if they opt for “door-knocking”. This process involves directly approaching their preferred schools after the release of central allocation results. They may do this if they are not satisfied with the school to which they have been assigned.

Private schools, international schools, and semi-private primary schools under the government’s direct subsidy scheme require applicants to undergo an interview.

Popular schools might even hold multiple interview sessions. They may test applicants’ abilities in topics like written and spoken English and Chinese, creativity, and storytelling.

Quiz time

  1. What is the difference in opinion between parent-teacher groups and the Education Bureau regarding mock interviews for kindergarteners?

  2. Why is the Education Bureau against interview training for young children?

  3. Which schools in Hong Kong require applicants to undergo an interview process?

  4. What are candidates tested on when applying to some of Hong Kong’s most popular schools?

In Hong Kong, applicants to government and aided primary schools do not have to go through interviews to get admitted. Photo: Elson Li
In Hong Kong, applicants to government and aided primary schools do not have to go through interviews to get admitted. Photo: Elson Li

Suggested answers

  1. parent-teacher groups are in favour of them while education authorities say they should be scrapped

  2. they believe the interviews put undue pressure on children

  3. private schools and international schools, semi-private primary schools under the direct subsidy scheme

  4. reading and spoken English and Chinese, creativity, and storytelling

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