5 of Asia’s most dangerous animals, from king cobra to box jellyfish
- Humans are more scary for these creatures than they are to us, so we must respect their habitats and stay away

What is another dangerous animal you can think of?

Why are humans dangerous to animals?

What is another dangerous animal you can think of?

From vast mountain ranges to lush jungles, Asia’s habitats are home to a wide variety of animals. While most of them usually stay away from humans, some can be dangerous if they are scared.
Are you ready to discover five of the continent’s most ferocious creatures?
1. Box jellyfish
These sea creatures can be found in the waters around Southeast Asia and Australia. Their venom can harm your heart, nervous system and skin. When humans are attacked by box jellyfish, many go into shock and experience heart failure.

2. Bengal tiger
Found in India and Bangladesh, these tigers weigh 110kg to 220kg, and their canine teeth are about 7cm long. To hunt, they wait in the shadows before attacking their prey with a quick and powerful jump. They can reach speeds of up to 64km/h, but they only hurt humans when they sense danger.

3. Asiatic black bear
Asiatic black bears live in mountainous areas of China, Japan and India. They have strong claws, and scientists believe they use violence to survive because they live near tigers. Their eyesight is also poor, so they get scared easily.

4. Saltwater crocodile
These reptiles live in India and Southeast Asia. Their bite strength is similar to that of the mighty dinosaur, the T. rex. They wait under water until the perfect moment to drag their prey away. They are aggressive, making them dangerous to humans.

5. King cobra
The world’s longest poisonous snake can be found in India, southern China and Southeast Asia. They can grow to be 5.5 metres long, and the poison in one bite can kill 20 people. They usually stay away from humans but might attack when threatened.

Remember that humans are more dangerous to animals than they are to us, and we should respect their habitats by keeping a safe distance away.
Use the crossword below to test your knowledge of the vocabulary words in the story.
Sample answers
Before you read: Komodo dragon, poison dart frog, cone snail (accept other reasonable answers)
Think about it: Humans can be dangerous to animals because of things like pollution and hunting. These can harm or even threaten their survival as their habitats are disappearing. (accept other reasonable answers)

Why are humans dangerous to animals?

a condition when the heart stops working correctly or completely
very large and powerful
having lots of hills or high ground
very harmful and able to cause illness or death
feeling that something bad might happen, or that someone might do something bad to you