Big read

7 duck idioms to help you get into the swim of things

Yanni Chow
28 Jun, 2023
Photo: Shutterstock
Before you read

Hong Kong may no longer have the giant double ducks in Victoria Harbour, but their memory can live on in your vocabulary!

Before you read

Hong Kong may no longer have the giant double ducks in Victoria Harbour, but their memory can live on in your vocabulary!

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Even as the two 18-metre rubber ducks have left Hong Kong, they have waddled their way into our hearts. Why not take the opportunity to learn some idioms inspired by these adorable birds?

1. Duck out

Meaning: to leave quickly or secretly

Example: My friend wanted to duck out after the first 10 minutes of the movie because it was so boring!

2. Get your ducks in a row

Meaning: to be well prepared or well organised for something that is going to happen

Example: They should have got their ducks in a row last week, so they were ready to start the job this week.

3. Like water off a duck's back

Meaning: criticisms, warnings or insults do not have an effect on someone

Example: I've told him that he's heading for trouble, but he doesn't listen! My words are like water off a duck's back.

4. Take to something like a duck to water

Meaning: to discover that you are naturally good at something or that you find it very easy to do

Example: Sonia took to singing like a duck to water.

5. Sitting duck

Meaning: a person or thing with no protection against an attack or other source of danger

Example: With their bullets all used up, the soldiers were sitting ducks for the enemy.

6. Lucky duck

Meaning: an incredibly lucky person

Example: Everyone on the street got soaked in the rain except for John – that lucky duck!

7. To duck and cover

Meaning: to hide from or try to avoid something or someone that you don't want to deal with

Example: Now that the exams are over, if you need a break from school, this is your chance to duck and cover with a good summer read.

Fun facts

Ducks are “aquatic” birds, which means they live on the water. They can be found in both salt-water and fresh water. A baby duck is called a duckling, and a male duck is called a drake.

Quick questions

  1. Which other birds do you think ducks are related to?
  2. What are duck feathers used for?
  3. Which word in the story means to walk like a duck?
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all the words that a person knows or uses


very attractive and easy to feel love for


a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do or achieve something


to make all the arrangements for something to happen or be provided


 the act of expressing disapproval of somebody/something and opinions about their faults or bad qualities; a statement showing this disapproval