Brett Kavanaugh says his high-school calendar proves he’s innocent of sexual assault claims
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh submits 36-year-old calendar listing his daily activities as part of his defence against allegations of sexual misconduct at a high school party

The letters are scrawled in blue ink across a calendar page from June 1982: BEACH WEEK.
The big, bold font seems to indicate the importance of this nine-day stretch on the social calendar of a young Brett Kavanaugh, especially amid more mundane entries like “haircut” and “pick up pictures”.
The 36-year-old calendar was presented by Kavanaugh as an alibi against an allegation of sexual assault that was to be the subject of an intensely watched hearing Thursday on Capitol Hill, which could decide whether he would be confirmed as a justice of the Supreme Court.

But look closer. There is a time capsule from a long-ago summer and a window into the hard-partying prep school culture in which acquaintances say the future federal judge was an enthusiastic participant.
This included Beach Week, an annual rite of Washington-area high schoolers that is as anticipated by teens as it is feared by their parents.