35 Bill Cosby accusers unite on magazine cover to illustrate scale of abuse
The women who have come forward include models, waitresses, Playboy bunnies and women who used to work in show business

Thirty-five women who allege they were sexually assaulted by US comedy legend Bill Cosby were united on Monday on a magazine cover to tell startlingly similar stories of abuse.
They include models, waitresses, Playboy bunnies and women who used to work in show business. One says he raped her while she was grief stricken over the recent death of her six-year-old son.
Despite being interviewed separately, many of their stories are startlingly similar: that the famed comedian drugged them, then assaulted or raped them while they were barely conscious.
“Each story is awful in its own right. But the horror is multiplied by the sheer volume of seeing them together,” the magazine wrote.