Princess Fawzia Fuad, a daughter and sister of Egyptian kings and the first wife of the last Shah of Iran, died on Tuesday in Alexandria, former royal family and senior local police said.

Fawzia, the glamorous sister of Fuad's father King Farouk, married Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in 1939, before he acceded the throne in Tehran. They divorced nine years later.
Princess Melekper Toussoun, a descendent of the former Egyptian royal family, said Fawzia had not had an easy life.
"In a nutshell, 'contre mauvaise fortune, bon coeur' [a brave spirit in the face of ill fortune] I think describes her perfectly," she said in reference to her marriage to the shah and to the coup that stripped the Egyptian royal family of its titles and wealth.
She was one of a handful of royal family members who continued to live in Egypt after the 1952 revolution