Woman goes to court over video of her exposing her breasts 12 years ago
A woman who exposed her breasts when a teenager claims damages 12 years later
Lindsey Boyd was 14 and walking along the beachfront in Panama City, Florida, when two men, one holding a video camera, asked her to expose her breasts.
She complied and was compensated, as were many who flashed their breasts during spring break in 2000, with a cheap beaded necklace.
A video of Boyd, from Powder Springs, Georgia, was sold for the series. Not only would a 5-second clip of the schoolgirl exposing herself be on the video, a photo of her baring her breasts would be on the cover of the DVD and displayed in commercials in a national advertising campaign.
Yesterday a case opened in the Georgia Supreme Court to hear arguments on whether the former teenager, who is now 26-year-old Lindsey Bullard of Cartersville, Georgia, can sue the production companies that bought the video of her and put it in the "Girls Gone Wild" soft-porn video.
Bullard is seeking unspecified damages from the companies, saying they misappropriated her image for commercial purposes.
Gerry Weber, a lawyer from Atlanta, Georgia and an expert on free speech law, said: "The expectation of privacy has changed significantly in the digital age. Everybody's got a camera phone, and people are photographing and videotaping each other in public places all the time."