Mexico runs out of death certificates as coronavirus cases continue to soar
- Country has officially registered over 67,000 Covid-19 fatalities, behind only US, Brazil and India
- Government has ordered 1.1 million more death certificates printed
Mexico’s deputy health minister said the government had ordered 1.1 million additional death certificates be printed as several parts of the country ran out and Covid-19 cases continue to soar.
Mexico has registered over 67,000 coronavirus-related fatalities, putting it fourth in terms of Covid-19 deaths behind the US, Brazil and India.
The country has reported close to 630,000 cases, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University.
The World Health Organisation, however, said recently that Mexico’s Covid-19 cases and deaths are probably “under-recognised” due to limited testing there.
That assessment was backed up on Sunday by new government figures showing deaths in Mexico from March to August from all causes were 122,765 more than what would be expected in a normal year. Excess mortality was concentrated in people from 45 to 65 years of ago.