365 days of paid leave won by Chinese man at company dinner sends social media abuzz with excitement discussing if winner should encash or enjoy prize
- Winner of ‘special’ award says it is the first time in his 14 years with the firm that he has scooped top prize at annual party
- Shocked boss said he only put up the prize because he thought the odds of anyone winning it were so long

A lucky Chinese man has become the envy of 250 million people on mainland social media after he won a year off work with pay at an annual company dinner.
The April 9 event, in southern China’s Guangdong province, was the firm’s first annual party in three years due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
As a result, the boss decided to surprise everyone with a special prize, a member of staff from the company’s administrative department, surnamed Chen, told Daxiang News.
However, Chen said the boss was shocked when someone won it because he thought the odds were so low.
Another member of staff, surnamed Song, said the chance of hitting the jackpot was one in a thousand.

Cash prizes were also up for grabs but they amounted to little compared with 365 days of paid leave.