
Hong Kong shelter for migrant women set to close without urgent HK$1 million donation

Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge says donations have dried up, and urgently needs HK$1 million and more to stay open next year

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Bethune House executive director Edwina Antonio-Santoya says past sources of funding have dried up. Photo: Jonathan Wong

When Indonesian domestic helper Sri* ran away from her employer’s home two months ago, she made her way to Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge.


It has provided her with free boarding, food and support while her complaint of assault is dealt with by the police and the Labour Tribunal handles a separate case.

The 46-year-old alleged that her employer’s adult daughter would routinely get drunk and assault her. The police got involved one night, after the daughter was suspected of throwing a phone at Sri.

Sri filed assault charges over that incident, but said she fled her employer’s home fearing for her safety. Without money to support herself, she went to the shelter on the recommendation of a friend.

Bethune House has allowed her to stay in Hong Kong, but she has been shaken by news that it is at risk of closing down by the end of the year.


“I’m very worried,” she said. “If my case isn’t settled by December I don’t know what will happen.”
