‘Happy Hong Kong’: 12,000 Ocean Park tickets to be given to 3,000 families who submit clips thanking their domestic helpers
- Labour Department kicks off campaign this week, inviting households to submit videos of themselves with their domestic helpers
- Each winning family will receive four tickets, with two designated for helpers

“[In the video, they can] express gratitude and appreciation for each other. They may also share tips on mutual respect and maintaining a harmonious relationship,” the department said on its website.

Submissions can range from 20 to 30 seconds and be in Chinese or English, while families and helpers have to show their faces.
Participants will need to upload the video to the internet and submit an online registration form with the link. The department will notify winners individually by email, together with the e-tickets before July 9.
Each household can only join once, and winning families will be offered four admission tickets, among which two are designated for helpers. The department’s website does not give any further information on how the tickets will be classified for intended users.
Lots will be drawn if more than 3,000 families participate. Authorities will also announce the results online and in two newspapers on June 16.