Hongkongers gloomy about 2019 – just 30 per cent expect life to improve as US-China trade war and Brexit weigh on economy
- Survey finds declines in confidence on six aspects of life
Not even the holiday spirit can lift Hongkongers – fewer than a third think their lives will get better in 2019, according to a survey.
The telephone poll by the Hong Kong Research Association also found 56 per cent of the 1,071 adults interviewed this month were pessimistic about the prospects for the housing market in the new year.
Only 30 per cent believed their lives would improve. Despite the downbeat response, this figure was an improvement on the 26 per cent recorded in the same study last year.
The survey results were released on Friday and revealed that another 31 per cent anticipated their lives would worsen, while 35 per cent did not expect significant changes.
There were declines in confidence on six aspects of life – personal development, economic and career outlook, residents’ livelihoods, local politics and Hong Kong’s overall development.