Penny’s Bay diary: a stint in Hong Kong quarantine
South China Morning Post managing editor Brian Rhoads flew home to the United States to attend a memorial service for his late father. After he had already left, the Hong Kong government moved the US into a new high-risk category, meaning he will spend the first of his three weeks of quarantine at the government’s Penny’s Bay facility. In this series, he recounts his experience.
Updated: 23 Dec, 2021

Penny’s Bay diary: a top Post editor shares his Hong Kong quarantine experience
Brian Rhoads is one of many who saw Hong Kong’s quarantine rules shift under their feet in the past week, leaving him with an unexpected stay at the government facility; he is providing a day-by-day account of his time there over the next week.
16 Dec, 2021

Penny’s Bay diary: life in a Spartan dormitory room commences
The Post’s managing editor settles in for his seven days at the government quarantine facility – after making the acquaintance of a couple spending their honeymoon there.
17 Dec, 2021

A practical guide for your week-long stay in ‘The Suites at Penny’s Bay’
Double up on mattresses, get your Wi-fi sorted before arriving, and bring your own coffee (or tea) among the pro tips shared by our managing editor on Day 3.
18 Dec, 2021

Penny’s Bay diary: fine dining, airline food and surviving the in-between
The Post’s managing editor learns that ‘loads and loads and loads of snacks’ are priority No 1 in government lock-up – wasabi and soy-flavoured almonds notwithstanding.
20 Dec, 2021

Penny’s Bay diary: evergreen survival tips, reader questions and some serious issues
Be ready to distract yourself with books, movies and – if possible – work, but don’t hesitate to ask for counselling help if it all gets to be too much.
21 Dec, 2021

Penny’s Bay diary: 14 cups of coffee, 7 PCR tests and a partridge in a pear tree
The Post’s managing editor takes stock and sets his countdown clock as his time at the government facility draws to an end – just in time to switch to a hotel room.
22 Dec, 2021

Penny’s Bay diary: a triumphant escape tempered by a lengthy shuttle wait
Our managing editor finds it’s ‘hurry up and wait’ as departure day arrives and WhatsApp messages from staff have him worrying he’ll miss his shuttle. He does not.
23 Dec, 2021