Discussion of Hong Kong extradition bill will not be allowed at G20 summit in Osaka, Beijing says
- Assistant minister of foreign affairs says China will not allow any meddling by other countries in its internal affairs
- Hong Kong groups plan to use summit for protests locally and in Japan to put pressure on governments to meet their demands

The public backlash and mass protests against the Hong Kong government’s now-suspended extradition bill will not be brought up or allowed to be discussed at the G20 summit in Osaka, Beijing made clear on Monday, even as protesters from the city planned to take their case to an international audience there.
The protesters were demanding the government completely withdraw the unpopular bill, which would allow the transfer of fugitives to mainland China and other jurisdictions that Hong Kong does not have a deal with.
“I can tell you for sure that the G20 will not discuss the affairs of Hong Kong. We will not allow the G20 to talk about Hong Kong matters,” China’s assistant minister of foreign affairs Zhang Jun said on Monday.
When asked what might happen if United States President Donald Trump insisted on talking about Hong Kong, Zhang said: “We will not allow any country or anybody to meddle in the internal affairs of China by any means.”