Setback for campaigners trying to end Chinese University link to student federation
Too many signatures on petition needed to trigger referendum are invalid, council rules

Campaigners seeking to end the affiliation of Chinese University students' union with the Federation of Students, the leading player in the Occupy democracy protests last year, suffered a setback yesterday.
They failed to gather enough valid signatures to trigger a referendum on the breakaway, said a representative of the university's student union council.
The federation rose to prominence last year during the 79-day protests, but some member unions accused its leaders of acting too hastily and failing to consult them.
Disaffiliation advocates at Chinese University had gathered 873 signatures, but about a quarter were ruled invalid or could not be verified.
"Some 57 signatures stated information which does not match the official records," said council chairman Timothy Lee Hin-long. "That includes the students' name, year and department. Another 38 told us they never signed the petition for a referendum."
There were also students who had forgotten ever signing, and dozens more who could not be reached by the council on the phone for verification.